The Poodle Club of Massachusetts
Breeder Directory

PCM strongly encourages all Poodle breeders to adopt ethical breeding and business practices. However, PCM does not endorse, guarantee, recommend or approve any particular Poodle breeder and disclaims any liability or obligation for the health, temperament or any other aspects of Poodle puppies purchased through Poodle breeders identified by use of this site.

This is a scrolling breeder list, alphabetic by breeder lastname... (The list scrolls daily by one breeder name)

Ellen Davis - Stonehaus (LINK)
phone 413.667.0089
email poodle_woman@yahoo.com
puppies, stud service
blue, cream, silver, white

Phillipa Gill - Storybook (LINK)
email phillipa.gill.ab@gmail.com

Joan Harrigan - RobinSong
phone 207.837.2649
email sunnybankmaine@earthlink.net
black, cream

Mary Ingham - Gramarye
31 Bowen Road
Kittery, ME 03904
phone 207.439.2499
email mmingham@comcast.net
black, cream

Fraya Katz - Ariel
52 Jewett Lane
Hollis, NH 03049
phone 603.465.2774
email katzf81@gmail.com
puppies, adults
black, blue

Deborah & Jack Parisi - Prism (LINK)
1470 A P Roper Road
Greensboro, GA 30642
phone 978.985.7917
email deborahaparisi@gmail.com
blue, cream, silver, white

Julie & John Seeley - Rembrandt
6 Lyons Lane
Boxborough, MA 01719
phone 978.456.8644
email julie@rembrandtseeley.net
stud service

Lynn Travers - Lynmar (LINK)
6090 NW 56th Place
Ocala , FL 34482
phone ..
email chlynmar2@msn.com
black, cream

Julie Wilkins - Jewels (LINK)
phone 978.502.5908
email jewels778@comcast.net
puppies, adults, stud service

Ana Alvarez - Isla
email islastandards@gmail.com

Pauline Anderson - HighSpirits (LINK)
28 Sea Smoke Lane
BLOG highspiritsstandardpoodles
Brunswick, ME 04011
phone 207.725.5883
email highspirits-poodlz@comcast.net
puppies, stud service
black, cream, white

Eve Baltzell - Janeva
phone 207.384.2359
email janevastandards@gmail.com

Sherri & Scott Bellmore - Ahavah
phone 207.240.9052
email scott.bellmore1@gmail.com
puppies, adults, stud service
black, blue, white

Anita Clark - Maine Standard Poodles (LINK)
504 Sebasco Road
Phippsburg, ME 04562
phone 207.389.2778
email anitac10@comcast.net
black, cream, white

Wendy Coffin - Salt Air
1053 Washington Rd.
Rye, NH 03870
email stdpoodle@aol.com
puppies, adults, stud service
black, cream

Kayla Croteau - Kbri
email kbri@comcast.net
puppies, stud service
silver, white
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